Last night I actually caught waves right as I paddled out, rather than letting them go and catching my breath instead. :)
I hurried home, cleaned up and headed to the Outrigger Reef to catch the Cyril Pahinui set at 6p.
That's Jeff Ahoy on the steel guitar and Peter Moon Jr. backing up Cyril.
It was a beautiful night. Even a little Manoa Mist that got lost in Waikiki couldn't dampen the fun. You can see the menu I held over my head in one of these vids.
Manoa mist is what they call the little foggy spray of rain that drifts around every evening on the UH campus, just up the hill from my end of Waikiki. It's not even enough to make the baseball players give up.
pineapple juice, my great-aunt-and-uncle who used to live in Manoa called it.